December 3, 2002
MEMBERS PRESENT: Timothy Ethier, Nancy Rocheleau, Joanne O’Brien, Robert Ricker, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan
STAFF: Pamela Harding
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. Meeting with members of AHEPA Arthur Lagadinos and Peter Leascus from AHEPA were present. A. Lagadinos gave an overview of the AHEPA organization and how they became involved with HUD programs. They stated that if the Town were in support of such a development they would like to pursue it, but if not they would pursue it in another community. A. Lagadinos stated that AHEPA would need a letter from each elderly housing project in Holden stating that there is a need for housing and they have a waiting list. A. Lagadinos also informed the Commission that they do not have a particular site in mind but there is criteria the land must meet under the HUD regulations such as; it must have the provision for water and sewer services, it cannot be located in a flood zone, it must be a
minimum of 2-3 acres. AHEPA stated that they would like to do 50 unit buildings. The units would be approximately 540 square feet one bedroom units. AHEPA must pay for all extras in the building which are not considered necessary, such as balconies etc. The residents must be 62 or older and ten percent of the units must be allocated for handicap residents, there is no age restriction for the handicap units. Each building typically contains at least one community room. A building has to be three stories or greater or HUD will not pay for the installation of an elevator. Units are allowed to be allocated by local preference.
The same organization has built two similar communities in Massachusetts, one located at 40 Buttonwoods Ave. in Haverhill, MA and contains 54 units, it was opened in 1995, has a single max. earned income of $23,600 and a double maximum earned income of $26,950. The other development is located at 98 Central Street in Peabody, MA, contains 48 units and opened in 2002. The single max earned income is $25,950 and the double max. earned income is $29,700. The AHEPA members stated that Holden must have a Community Consolidated Plan and an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Plan. HUD limits the amount of funding allocated to the purchase of property on a per unit basis. AHEPA would like to see something in progress by May, 2003.
Second Review of Action Plan – Peter Brennan stated that he saw a legal problem with building housing strictly for Town employees. S. McManus stated that Town employees could be offered first preference. R. Ricker stated that he believed that the Putnam Lane lots were accepted at Town meeting sometime within the last twelve years with the conditions that they be sold to Town Employees.
The Committee reviewed the Chapter 418 draft scope of services prepared by Jeanne Armstrong. R. Ricker stated that he had concerns using RKG associates as a consultant because of the controversial results of the housing study conducted in Worcester. P. Brennan stated that the Committee should look at what question RKG was asked to study because he suspected the results of the study were what Worcester wanted. The Committee asked how available the consultant would . Peter Brennan stated that is was in support of the outline of services and left the selection fo the service provider to the administration.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on December 17th at 6:30 p.m.